Online Demo Results

Name-to-structure powered by OPSIN and NCI CIR
Value 1474.0
Units Fahrenheit^(1.0)
Raw Value 1,474
Raw Units °F
Specifier melting point
Extraction Method QuantityModelTemplateParser
Specifier Updated False
Table-standardization powered by TableDataExtractor

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Chemical Entity Mentions


CDE v2 Output

    "Document": {
      "abbreviation_definitions": [],
      "authors": "",
      "cems": [
      "copyright": "",
      "definitions": [],
      "doi": "",
      "firstpage": "",
      "html_url": "",
      "issue": "",
      "journal": "",
      "lastpage": "",
      "pages": "",
      "pdf_url": "",
      "published_date": "",
      "publisher": "",
      "title": "",
      "url": "",
      "volume": ""
    "biblio": {
      "filename": "b872ca31-7e62-49de-b1b9-41dcc969b3f0.txt"
    "figures": [],
    "records": [
        "MeltingTemperature": {
          "cde2_method": "QuantityModelTemplateParser",
          "cde2_updated": false,
          "compound": {
            "Compound": {
              "names": [
              "smiles": "[Na+].[Cl-]"
            "elements": [
          "raw_units": "°F",
          "raw_value": "1,474",
          "specifier": "melting point",
          "units": "Fahrenheit^(1.0)",
          "value": [
    "tables": []